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Faster, Higher, Stronger- More Sustainable.

Writer's picture: HFSHFS

On The Crest Of A Wave

Where Do Your Products And Services Come From? New IOC Guides Will Help You Source Them More Sustainably

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has recently released two guides to help International Sports Federations (IFs), National Olympic Committees (NOCs), sport organisations and the Organising Committees for the Olympic Games (OCOGs) source goods and services in a more sustainable way.


What is sustainable sourcing and why is it important?

The direct and indirect impacts on the environment, people, communities and businesses largely stem from the goods and services that organisations decide to buy, rent or license – from food, beverages and uniforms to broadcasting rights and sponsorship deals. To avoid these impacts, sustainable sourcing involves using products and services that meet organisational needs while creating positive social, environmental, ethical and economic outcomes.


How does it work?

Sustainable sourcing covers a wide range of aspects. However, when sourcing goods and services, the IOC recommends five essential questions that should always be asked:

How will the guides help?

The two guides provide detailed advice and step-by-step recommendations on every stage of the sustainable sourcing process. Addressed to IFs and NOCs and the wider sports sector, the “Sustainable Sourcing in Sport” guide is part of the IOC’s Sustainability Essentials series of practical guides addressed to the Olympic Movement.


What about the IOC’s own sustainability work?

The new publications complement the IOC’s own Supplier Code, which outlines the requirements

related to human rights, labour conditions, waste management, transport and ethics that apply to

IOC suppliers.


Sustainability is a central concept of Olympic Agenda 2020, the strategic roadmap for the future of the Olympic Movement, and sustainable sourcing is one of the most critical aspects of the IOC Sustainability Strategy.


Where can I get help and more information?

The IOC’s Sustainability Team will be happy to help you better understand the guides’ recommendations and identify the most efficient ways of putting them into practice. contact us at 


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